Tuesday, March 24, 2015

UCU Helps Ukraine: Anton Savko

Anton Savko was born in 1992, grew up, and began working hard as a waiter and labourer, trying to build himself a good life. Before he was deployed to the ATO, Anton was the one who delivered draft letters to his village - and one day, a letter came for him. And he went - how could he not after having been the one carrying his fellow villagers their destinies? He departed for the ATO in the 128th Zakarpattia Infantry Brigade in the first mobilization. 
During a battle near Debaltsevo, not far from where Viktor Yanukovich hails, Anton suffered the worst of his injuries. During a particularly intense mortar attack, the soldiers dove into a dugout and were reasonably protected. Once the explosions subsided, Anton got out first to check if a return to the base was safe. He was then injured by a mine, and lost recollection of everything thereafter.

He sustained an explosion that blew an 8x8cm hole into his skull, and with an open head wound was transported to Artemivsk, and then by helicopter to Dnipropetrovsk. He was unable to speak for 7 days after the injury and only able to communicate by writing. His speech abilities have returned but Anton is unable to remember anything. 

He underwent neurosurgery in Lviv to contain the damage and recovers in the Lviv Military Hospital where he receives therapy, but much more is needed to help Anton regain many of his faculties. With the majority of his left-side completely paralysed, Anton, a kind hearted, good man, faces incredible challenges and a long road ahead with several surgeries scheduled for the summer.
Anton requires help from us to continue his therapy - his Dad Vasyl stays by his side in Lviv, and has asked for help to help his son as he cannot do it himself.

To contribute toward Anton's treatments and therapies, please visit your branch or contact the call centre at 1.800.461.0777 to make a donation.

Lots of photos of the injured soldiers we are helping can be found on our Facebook page in the album UCU Helps Ukraine.

Read the stories of some of our other heroes:
Oleksij, Yevhen, Yurij, Serhij, and Ruslan.

Questions and inquiries about this initative can be directed to the UCU Helps Ukraine committee, Kateryna Litvinjuk (klitvinjuk@ukrainiancu.com), Michael Zienchuk (mzienchuk@ukrainiancu.com), and Roman Mlynko (rmlynko@ukrainiancu.com).

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